Etre [eh-truh] : French verb meaning "to be". This is the most simple and truthful thing any of us is capable of.
With Etre, my goal is to capture your cherished and important moments in an honest and truthful way through my lens. In short I strive to capture you...simply being you.


Holiday Memories {CONTEST}

I've been wanting to do a photo shoot giveaway for a while now, but haven't come up with the perfect one until this weekend! Ya see... I want to capture a real life experience that is valuable to the people I get to photograph. Irreplaceable moments with your children at this very most exact moment of  life that won't ever happen again. Before they get any older or wiser or less messy or better behaved, I want to capture them just as they are TODAY, making beautiful memories with you.

So for this contest, I need you to submit to me your most creative, ingenious, or beloved holiday memory to photograph!  It can be a tradition, something your family does every year, or something you've never done together before.

Bottom line is, it has be something you want your children to remember forevah and evah. 
Sledding, decorating the tree, working at the soup kitchen, baking goodies to give away, blah blah blah you get the idea right?! Oh I'm so excited!

I will need this to be on a more intimate scale, so keep your ideas to just one family (non-extended), and you've got to have some children (non-borrowed). I don't care how many or how old. And because I'm in Utah valley, the shoot must either take place within 30 miles of Orem, UT, or winner will need to cover transportation cost.

Enter to win: 

- Click HERE to "like" the Etre Photography facebook page (if you haven't already)

- Share this link on your facebook page (copy the address below and paste into your "status" box on facebook)

- Email your brilliant idea of the most fabulous holiday memory you want photographed to!

The winner will be selected on Thanksgiving! November 22, 2012.

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