You want to look your best for photos. That's a given. ease your burdens and lighten your load, I've crammed a TON of information onto this page to help you look STUNNING for your photo shoot.

My first pearl of wisdom is this; no matter how in love with that fab top you are, if you're not comfortable in it then you won't look or feel as confident wearing it. If your clothes are too tight they may accentuate the areas you’d rather hide, while clothing that’s too loose may come across in camera as sloppy or distracting. I completely understand that deciding what to wear for pictures can be overwhelming to think about, but I promise that your planning will ALWAYS pay off.
Here are some other pearls on how to dress YOUR body for photos
(I'll admit this first chunk is geared toward women, but the pearls apply to everyone)
The end.
With every body type, the goal is to create balance.
P e a r S h a p e : Proportionalty tinier from the waist up compared to the rest of your body.
Celeb like you: Beyonce
Goal: Bring focus to your upper body by creating more width and volume in your shoulders/chest.
What to wear: Clothes that FIT WELL, boat necks, colored and detailed tops, layers, cropped jackets, horizontal lines, patterns, pockets, a-line skirts that skim your hips
H o u r g l a s s : Your bust and hips are pretty evenly proportioned (you’re curvy. ooh la la)
Celeb like you: Scarlet Johansson
Goal: Flaunt your classic shape by zoning in on your waist as a focal point.
What to wear: Clothes that FIT WELL, belts belts belts, full skirts with wide waist band, wrap tops/dresses, pencil skirts, boot-cut pants will make your hips look slimmer while skinnys will enhance your curves
I n v e r t e d T r i a n g l e : Broad shoulders compared to your waist & the rest of your body.
Celeb like you: Tyra Banks
Goal: Add volume around your hips creating an hourglass shape
(but remember to show off those killer shoulders!)
What to wear: Clothes that FIT WELL, low V or U necks, thicker straps, skirts that flare at the hip, straight leg pants
R e c t a n g l e : Your shape is athletic with hips and bust that are about the same width.
Celeb like you: Cameron Diaz
Goal: Break up your silhouette to create shape
What to wear: Clothes that FIT WELL, colorful/wide belts worn at the waist, horizontal stripes, tops w/detail around the bust (i.e. ruffles, ruching, sequins), V necks to break up your straight torso, flared leg pants to create curve, empire waists

A p p l e : Full chest with little waistline definition.
Celeb like you: Catherine Zeta-Jones
Goal: Similar to that of the Rectangle & Inverted Triangle...slim at the waist
What to wear: Clothes that FIT WELL, pencil skirts, fitted tops, solids/dark tops (ie black, navy, dark brown, grey), empire waist, single breasted jackets

I personally feel that color is super underrated when it comes to fashion. Yes shape matters, but we’ve more than covered that, so now let's get your skin to glow!
Think about the no-fail colors that you feel confident and attractive in (remember that last pearl)…they’re the same colors that people tell you that you look great in huh. Ding ding ding! Those are the colors you should be wearing for photos!!! There is a lot of science garb and color wheel jazz that help explain why “your colors” are able to give your skin that soft glow, but it can all be easily applied by just choosing to wear the colors you get compliments in.
Using the pearls of wisdom from above, I've created this fashion guide that will help you wow the camera and feel confident from head to toe!
S h i r t s : Deciding on what shirt to wear is by far the hardest thing for me. It can be tough enough finding something for one of you, but most times there is the Mr. to dress as well! Just remember to wear clothing that fits your body and flaunts your best assets. Have you got killer arms? Then wear shorter sleeves. Might your middle be thicker than you'd like? Hide it! Clothing that fits well doesn't necessarily fit tightly, but it definitely should NOT be baggy. Avoid sag. The word itself sounds quite unpromising. Guys, try layering one of your basic T's under a plaid button-up or a simple jacket. This is a great way to get couple's outfits to accent one another without looking too matchy-matchy. Be you, remember the pearls, and don't stress!
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D r e s s e s: Dresses are my favorite for photo shoots! They always look so classy and are super easy to dress up or down depending on the look you're going for. Consider a dress when deciding what to wear for your photos.
S h o e s : The shoes are a great way to show off your personal style. Whether you want a sassy heel, fashionable boot, or casual flat, keep it fun and keep it you! Feet like to look good too.
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A c c e s s o r i e s : Woop Woop! These guys are the twist-ties that will bring everything together, complete your look, and ensure a successful experience with engagement photos. Have fun here and let your personality shine oh so brightly. Sport a pair of fancy pearl earrings for a touch of elegance, or slip an adorable floral headband in for that great pop of color.
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Holy Taledo. We've covered it all. You're now officially an expert on what to wear for photos, and you're fully prepared to brave the shops or simply open up your closet doors and start creating "your look".
P R E T T Y P L E A S E remember that these tips are designed to help you pull off a confident and fashionable look I N C A M E R A. Which means that you may want to consider switching out your fav skinny jeans and slouch sweater (adorable for real life) for something more tailored that still shows off your awesome personality for photos.
I T I S C R U C I A L that you feel good in what you’ve got on. That goes for future brides and grooms alike. The guidelines above are just a place to start. I’d say be yourself and you’ll look fantastic. If you hate jewlery, don’t throw a ton on because you’re “supposed to accessorize”, or buy a pair of flared jeans you hate just because “your body shape looks best in them”. Be who you are and feel comfortable in what you choose to wear!
Wish you had info for plus size
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that you feel that way. I guess my view (and yes it may incorrect) is that any woman, whether she's a size 6 or 16, has SOME shape to her... and can use the tools given above to find great fitting clothing in colors that work with their skin tones and help them to feel confident in front of the camera. I didn't feel that I was leaving out the plus size bombshell when I created the "pearls", but I do encourage others to link back in the comment section to other helpful online guides and tips to dressing for photos.
ReplyDeleteThank you sincerely for your comment, and I'll work on adjusting this Fashion Guide to better serve a more diverse audience.